Basil Vinaigrette – Simple salad dressing





Hello my fellow bloggers and wonderful readers!

How are you all doing today? I am sure you must have figured why I haven’t been able to bake or create any sweet stuff. I am just scared I will have to spend another night at the ER. So my next few posts are going to be “Healthy” posts. This basil vinaigrette is super easy to make and it is just the best thing on any type of salad or pasta.  In this case, I made a pasta salad with roasted beetroots, heirloom tomato, zucchini, garlic and onions. Each of us had two large helps and it was over even before we finished an episode of ‘Suits’. Hey do you guys watch ‘Suits’? I love the series! Yeah I know there’s a lot of drama in it but I enjoy a little drama once in a while. Also we watch only if my son co-operates – which is like close to never! Ok, so on to the salad. The salad is pretty basic, but the vinaigrette my friend! that is the beauty. So here is the recipe.

Ingredients :-

  1. Fresh Basil Leaves – 2 cups
  2. Garlic – 8 cloves
  3. Olive Oil – 1 cup
  4. Apple Cider Vinegar – 6 table spoons
  5. Salt – to taste
  6. Pepper – 1/2tbsp


Instructions :-

  1. Before you make the vinaigrette make sure you wash and dry the basil leaves and dry them out completely.
  2. Make sure there is no moisture in the leaves and in the final glass jar you will be storing it in
  3. Combine all the ingredients in the jar of your blender and give it a good 3- 4 mins with the blender on medium
  4. You want all the ingredients to combine well and the oil to infuse with the basil
  5. Once its ready pour and store in a clean dry container
  6. Before you use it, make sure to give the container a good shake cause some times the oil tends to form a layer above the green dark part
  7. Use within a week and store in the fridge


10 thoughts on “Basil Vinaigrette – Simple salad dressing”

    1. Thank you 🙂
      Acolyte that was a simple roasted beetroot, zucchini and tomato pasta salad. Very simple. Just put everything into an oven and rost at 190 for 30 mins. Meanwhile make pasta and keep to cool
      Once the veggies are ready, mix and drizzle with the Basil Vin. Its supper simple. Ok I will post more of my simple salads 🙂

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