Milk Peda – easy version




Hello my Dear Wonderful readers!!

So I am back with my next recipe and that is my easy peasy Milk Powder Peda! These are super easy to make. Traditionally you will note that this sweet is make from Khoya and if that is easily available to you then you could make it that way too. But I am a mommy of a two year old and I run the kitchen and the house along with looking after him without any help. So any quick Indian sweet recipe is always welcome. These sweets are a favorite among people of all ages. My husband absolutely loves these and they are made every year around this time. So I am off to making more Diwali recipes and I leave you with this beauty!

Ingredients :-

  1. Milk Powder – 2 cup
  2. Condensed Milk – 400 gms ( 1 can)
  3. Cardamom Powder – 1/4 tsp
  4. Saffron – 15 strands
  5. Milk – 1 tbsp (warm)
  6. Ghee – 4 tbsp + to apply on hand while rolling the peda

Instructions :-

  1. In a small glass, combine the warm milk and saffron strands and let it rest while we get on with the rest
  2. In a heavy bottom non stick pan, add ghee. Once the ghee has melted add the condensed milk
  3. Now using a spatula, mix the condensed milk and ghee well till you see bubbles begin to form on the side
  4. Then add in the milk powder and move quickly
  5. Mix well and continuously stir till there are no lumps left. Using the spatula, press down on all the lumps and give it a good mix
  6. Next add the saffron soaked in milk and the cardamom powder
  7. Give it a good mix
  8. Cook the mixture till you see that it begins to form a single big lump
  9. Then take it off the heat and set aside to cool
  10. Meanwhile grease a plate with ghee and apply some on your hands too
  11. Now slowly make small roundels with equal quantities of the mixture in the palm of your hand
  12. Set aside on the greased plate. This works well when the mixture is still warm and not too hot to touch
  13. Once you are done with all the pedas, make small indent with you finger or use a stamp to make an impression on the top of the peda and place pistachio slivers, saffron strands etc
  14. Your home made milkpowder pedas are ready!

5 thoughts on “Milk Peda – easy version”

    1. Guess what I do not have a peda mold. So what I did is I rolled them with my hand and then use a cookies cutter the shape of a flower to get that impression 🙂 I wasnt able to find the peda mold but these looked nice so I tot y not 🙂 Thank you for you kind words ❤


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