No bake, Power Packed Chocolate Breakfast Cookies







Hello my Dear Wonderful Readers!!

How you all been? I have been quite busy of late with my grandma visiting us in Bangalore and she wanting to spend time with her great grandson. So every morning after the morning chores are done, I take my son to my mum’s house. This does not leave much time for blogging or cooking as me, my mum and her mum (my grandma) are busy taking turns and playing with my son. Mr R is very busy in office as usual and comes and picks me up from my mums place after work. We are travelling to Cochin this weekend as I am scheduled to get my gall bladder removed there. The only niggling factor i am worried about is Mr R’s capabilities in terms of child care. He’s a good dad but still getting a hang of the soft skills involved in day to day baby management. In any case, all those adventures are for a different post. Until then I will leave you with these very awesome power packed cookies. I am trying to get up early to get a post in these days and i have understood that I am not a morning person and takes a lot of effort. Till next post, Adios Amigos. 🙂

Ingredients :-

  1. Dark Chocolate – 250 gms
  2. Oats – 1 + 1/2 cup (Instant)
  3. Mixed Dry fruits – 1 cup ( I used pistachio + raisins and dry figs)
  4. Coconut Oil – 4 tbsp (50 gms of butter)


Instructions :-

  1.  In a microwavable bowl melt the chocolate on medium power at 30 second intervals and stirring frequently.
  2. Add the coconut oil to the melted chocolate. Set the chocolate aside to cool ( You could add cream at this stage to make it more creamy and rich)
  3. In another bowl add the instant oats
  4. Then add the dry fruits. I did not chop the nuts but you could if you want to
  5. Finally add the melted chocolate and coconut oil mix into the oats
  6. Stir well to combine and coat all the ingredients well
  7. Now oil your hands with a little oil and slowly make small balls of the oats mixture. Arrange them on a large cookie sheet
  8. Once you are done with all of them use a spoon and push them downwards (press them to form flat cookies)
  9. Pop the cookie sheet into a fridge and let them set till nice and hard ( 1.5 to 2 hours)
  10. Your breakfast cookies are ready!!


13 thoughts on “No bake, Power Packed Chocolate Breakfast Cookies”

  1. Good luck with your gall bladder surgery. Even though he may do the child care differently I’m sure he will be fine. I know how hard it was to let the other parent do their own style of parenting. Take care til next time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Nancy! Firstly thank you so much, I am much better and the surgery was a success. My husband had a tough time with the little one but just like you said, my son adapted to my husbands parenting style and they managed without me 🙂 Touch wood! All is well 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Your posts are so cool Parvathy. And I loved the photo you shared on FB :). Easy recipes are my favorite ones.. they make life so much easier. – Sreelatha

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Shreelatha!! My photos come no wr close to your gorgeous, colourful photos with so much life!!<3
      Yes easy recipes are my cheats way to health and also with the little one, these recipes are live savers 😛


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